*under construction*

13 March 2009

I'm hooked on Trees bejeweled in Chandeliers...

Nothing heralds Spring and Summer around here
more beautifully than
dining outside.
and there is little in this world more romantic than your table illuminated by the last light of twilight ...

or candles softly flickering from a chandelier suspended from low branches, welcoming the awakening of the stars above ...

or the magic of the last light of day caught within the crystals of the tree chandelier and thrown into a confetti of light around you ...

The best seat in the house for dinner and a show of Nature's best.

Pure heaven to me.
Enjoy your weekend.

See what everyone else is hooked on over at Julia's party at Hooked on Houses
Photo credit: 1. H&G uk 2. Domino 3 & 4: I'm sorry but I don't remember - if you know, I'll gladly credit them, and I apologize for not documenting them better.


a quiet life said...

such beautiful imgages, so unlike my garden!

Vanessa and Company said...

Wow, those are gorgeous! I love that look too!

Maison Douce said...

Absolutely dreamy... There is nothing more romantic!

Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Isa, what a beautiful start to the weekend ~ thank you for sharing.


Kristin said...

Oh, I don't know how I came across your blog but glad I did. Beautiful and inspirational! Loving these outdoor images! Have a great day.

Helen said...

NOW I am thoroughly inspired ... I have an old and fairly rusty tin candle chandelier which I am going to spray paint some dreamy color and hang (as soon as Spring arrives) from my lower deck overhang ...... thank you!

Miss Kris said...

Beautiful images Isa! So enchanting and almost magical! I love it!

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

I've been out of town for a few days and it is always such a treat to come back and browse your beautiful site ~ sigh...............

Tiffany said...

The first photo you posted reminded me of one of the scenes in the movie "Marie Antoinette". They had this lavish outside party with nets. It was a feast for the eyes!

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

looks like heaven to me too! :) thanks for gathering the beauty.

cottage farm villa said...

Oh yes, yes, yes!!!

Decor To Adore said...

I am visiting via H.O.H. Great post!

I hope you'll stop by for a visit, I am hosting a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post...so inspiring as is your blog...simply, elegantly gorgeous!

Viera said...

Beautiful romantic images. This would be my dream weekend retreat!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Lovely photos! I think we're going to try this at our farmhouse with our big tree in the front (I only worry about the fire hazard aspect :)

Velvet and Linen said...

I have always wanted to hang a chandelier from my huge tree behind my home. I think you have just pushed me to finally do it!
Beautiful images, Isa.


purple area said...

Now I'm hooked to!

pussman and co said...

I have given you an award :)
You can collect it at my blog.
You can pas the award to 0 others.

Anonymous said...

Dining under the stars on a balmy evening by the soft glow of candlelight - bliss! Beautiful images.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Oh, gorgeous!! I'm with you on the chandeliers hanging from trees--there's something so romantic about them.

Love these photos. Thanks for sharing! :-)

red ticking said...

what a lovely blog you have... i will rtn soon... i adore vintage chandeliers and sell alot of them in my store..

cotedetexas said...

I agree!!!!! totally!

niartist said...

WHOO HOOO! 22 comments, err - I make 23 COMMENTS!! That's more than I've gotten in two weeks! :) HURRY HURRY I want to see pictures of that gorgeous patio! :)

SeaWorthy said...

I really dont think there is anything more enchanting or romantic than a dinner outside with the glow of a chandelier. Those pics were totally swoon-worthy..

Helen said...

Glad you liked my red re-do! It's been hanging out in the elements for some time ... thus the need for a fresh look. I may keep it inside this time. Just have to find the right spot.

Unknown said...

All of these photos are just gorgeous! I love looking at pictures like these- so magical looking. Daisy~

Courtney said...

I am in love with the idea of a beautiful chandelier in a tree too-- if only I had a large old tree from which to hang one! Also, I adore "I Shall Believe," but I hadn't listened to it in a while. It was so nice to be greeted by the song when I came here. xo