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05 November 2011

Take Flight...

It has definitely been one of those weeks. Because I marked my calendar incorrectly, I missed participating in Marsha's lovely International writing party. There is no such thing as being fashionably late when it comes to something like that. I am so disappointed that I missed it, and in myself for doing so. I truly apologize.

The theme was What we have always wanted to do, but have never done... I was excited to write about it, and it has been on my mind so heavily, so I want to share, in short version, what my heart has always longed for... don't laugh.

I wish that I could fly.

My only recurring dream, and one I have had since I can remember, is that I can fly. It is always the same. It begins over the ocean, it is in slow motion.... I soar lazily over the sea, along the face of a beautiful cliff and over treetops and up towards the sun. There is nothing but the gorgeous scenery in my dream, and the feeling of total freedom and total bliss. I love that dream.

I found this amazing video of starlings in flight at dusk (with the London Symphony Orchestra as background) -- it's very different from my dream, but it is something to behold.


Happy weekend, my friends. See you Monday.
xo isa


savvycityfarmer said...

you'd better see me before Monday!


luh' ya

donna baker said...

I dream about flying too. It is always over the treetops; low I think so I can see everything. The funny part, is that sometimes it takes me quite a while to finally get airborne. I've always said I don't want to die until everyone is flying in their own car.

helen tilston said...

Hello Isa

What a beautiful dream you have and you should treasure it.

May your weekend find you soaring with joy


vicki archer said...

I love this Isa.... Better late than never....and there is always next month's....xv

Acquired Objects said...

I saw the photos of all these birds and it's amazing! Don't worry about missing the party, next time we look forward to what you dream. Enjoy your weekend!

Bruce Barone said...


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Maybe you will one day.

Windlost said...

Hi Isa, thanks for popping by. Yes, I suspect a lot of windlost readers are highly sensitive types with too much on their plates. We are all such kindred spirits, those of us who love life and beauty and have these great old souls!

I have flying dreams also - they are never scary but I cannot quite control my altitude. I will watch your video! Sorry you missed the writing contest. You must put a reminder in your iphone. Yes, maybe I could just get one for email and phone calls and not have the expense of surfing on it!

xo Terri

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Dear Isa
How fantastic to dream of flying!!! and a soothing dream at that!! I too wish I could fly and have to suffice with doing so in planes.. and on swings etc!! But I never tire of watching the seagulls down the beach.. swooping and soaring.. gives me a great feeling to watch... even though I can't get up there with them,.

Have a great week,... ciao xxx Julie

Constance said...

Once while driving I saw the same sight of birds in the sky, only I thought it was smoke billowing around at first. So intrigging, I pulled over and watched. Constance from Utah

dikvipreal said...

Thank you for sharing.